Script editor, all commands with examples

List of possible tasks


Go to the script editor.


Scripting Instructions

1. The scripting language was developed specifically for the BotMek project and is unique in nature; all coincidences with other languages are random.
2. The language has case-insensitive syntax.
3. Each team must begin with a new line.
4. Each team must have at least 1 parameter taken in parentheses (parameter).
5. The command ending is a semicolon - ; .


Mouse clicks 

Pressing the left mouse button (press and release)

left(X, Y, Time);
X - coordinates along the X axis, required parameter, integer; Y - coordinates along the Y axis, required parameter, integer; Time - the duration of clamping in milliseconds, an optional parameter, an integer;

As coordinates X and Y can take the parameter CursorX and CursorY;

CursorX - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the X axis;

CursorY - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the Y axis;

left(10,15); //Left-click on the coordinates X10, Y15
left(10,15,1000); //Left-click on the coordinates X10, Y15 and hold for 1 second
left(cursorX,cursorY); //Left-click on the coordinates of the current position of the mouse.


Зажатие левой кнопки мышки (нажать без отпускания) 

leftDOWN(X, Y);
X - coordinates along the X axis, required parameter, integer; Y - coordinates along the Y axis, required parameter, integer; Time - the duration of clamping in milliseconds, an optional parameter, an integer;

As coordinates X and Y can take the parameter CursorX and CursorY;

CursorX - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the X axis;

CursorY - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the Y axis;

leftDOWN(10,15); //To clamp the left mouse button in coordinates X10, Y15
leftDOWN(cursorX,cursorY); //Hold the left mouse button in the coordinates of the current position of the mouse


Отпускание левой кнопки мышки (отжать) 

leftUP(X, Y);
X - coordinates along the X axis, required parameter, integer; Y - coordinates along the Y axis, required parameter, integer; Time - the duration of clamping in milliseconds, an optional parameter, an integer;

As coordinates X and Y can take the parameter CursorX and CursorY;

CursorX - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the X axis;

CursorY - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the Y axis;

leftUP(10,15); //Release the left mouse button in coordinates X10, Y15
leftUP(cursorX,cursorY); //Release the left mouse button in the coordinates of the current position of the mouse


Нажатие правой кнопки мышки (нажать и отпустить) 

right(X, Y, Time);
X - coordinates along the X axis, required parameter, integer; Y - coordinates along the Y axis, required parameter, integer; Time - the duration of clamping in milliseconds, an optional parameter, an integer;

As coordinates X and Y can take the parameter CursorX and CursorY;

CursorX - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the X axis;

CursorY - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the Y axis;

right(10,15); //Right-click on the coordinates X10, Y15
right(10,15,1000); //Right-click on the coordinates X10, Y15 and hold for 1 second
right(cursorX,cursorY); //Right-click on the coordinates of the current position of the mouse.


Зажатие правой кнопки мышки (нажать без отпускания) 

rightDOWN(X, Y);
X - coordinates along the X axis, required parameter, integer; Y - coordinates along the Y axis, required parameter, integer; Time - the duration of clamping in milliseconds, an optional parameter, an integer;

As coordinates X and Y can take the parameter CursorX and CursorY;

CursorX - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the X axis;

CursorY - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the Y axis;

rightDOWN(10,15); //To clamp the right mouse button in coordinates X10, Y15
rightDOWN(cursorX,cursorY); //Hold the right mouse button in the coordinates of the current position of the mouse


Отпускание правой кнопки мышки (отжать) 

rightUP(X, Y);
X - coordinates along the X axis, required parameter, integer; Y - coordinates along the Y axis, required parameter, integer; Time - the duration of clamping in milliseconds, an optional parameter, an integer;

As coordinates X and Y can take the parameter CursorX and CursorY;

CursorX - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the X axis;

CursorY - coordinates of the current position of the mouse on the Y axis;

rightUP(10,15); //Release the right mouse button in coordinates X10, Y15
rightUP(cursorX,cursorY); //Release the right mouse button in the coordinates of the current position of the mouse



Нажатия клавиатуры 

Нажатие клавиатурной клавиши (нажать и отпустить) 

Send(Key, Time);
Key - key to be pressed, required parameter, English layout; Time - the duration of pressing in milliseconds, an optional parameter, an integer;
Send(G); //Press the G key
Send(G, 2000); //Hold G for 2 seconds, then release


Зажатие клавиатурной клавиши (нажать без отпускания) 

Key - key to be pressed, required parameter, English layout;
SendDOWN(G); //Hold G


Отпускание клавиатурной клавиши (отжать) 

Key - key to be pressed, required parameter, English layout;
SendUP(G); //Release the G key


Possible values of the Key parameter

   Esc      F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9      F10      F11      F12      Del      Home      End      PrtScn      `      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      0      -      =      Backspace      NumLock      Insert      Tab      Q      W      E      R      T      Y      U      I      O      P      [      ]      \      PageUp      PageDown      Caps      A      S      D      F      G      H      J      K      L      ;      '      Enter      Pause      Shift      Z      X      C      V      B      N      M      ,      .      /      Ctrl      Win      Alt      Space      right      left      down      up   



Time - delay duration in milliseconds, required parameter, integer;
Sleep(2000); //Wait 2 seconds


Comments in code

The comment in the code is the text that is not taken into account by the compiler. Comments are used for notes by users.
The text of the comment begins with a double spit dash "//", all that goes further is a comment.


//This text is a comment.


Blocks (collapse / expand)

The region directive allows you to specify a block of code that can be expanded and collapsed.
In large code files, it is very convenient to minimize or hide one or more areas,
so as not to distract attention from the part of the file that is currently being worked on.
At the end of the #region block, the directive #endregion must be present.


The hidden part of the code 